Join us! If you’re not on our contact list, send an email request to indivisiblewesthills@gmail.com
Meetings are held via Zoom on the third Wednesday of the month between 6:30 and 8:00pm. Links and locations will be sent via email to those on our contact list. Email us at westhillswomens.com to be added to the list.
You do not need to be a member to attend and participate. We will not spam you for donations via email.
Here’s what we pack into that 90 minutes:
Local candidates or their staff discuss campaigns and opportunities to volunteer
Inspirational speakers talk about a variety of subjects important to Democratic voters
Members discuss upcoming action items:
Sending postcards to voters
Contacting elected officials
Attending marches and rallies
Working on voter outreach for the group or for various campaigns
Planning upcoming events and fundraising
We share information about elections and voting and take questions from members about all of these subjects
And we enjoy the company of a group of lively, informed, fun progressive women and men
2025 Meeting Calendar:
January 15
February 19
March 19
April 16
May 21
June 18
July 16
August (no meeting)
September 17
October 15
November 19
December (no meeting, holiday social)